Mizzou Ed Bully Prevention Lab

Chad A. Rose, Ph.D.
Chad A. Rose is an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Missouri. Dr. Rose received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 2010. His research explores the intersection of disability labels and the bullying-dynamic, predictive and protective factors associated with the overrepresentation of students with disabilities within the bullying dynamic, and multi-tiered systems of support for establishing anti-bullying policies and programs.
Graduate Research Assistants

D'Anna is a first-year Special Education doctoral student and SMART-MBH Fellow. Her research interests include: Reducing Burnout in Special Educators and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD) Diagnoses.

Wendy Cornell
Wendy is a second-year doctoral student specializing in Special Education, with a focus on Behavior Disorders. Her research involves interventions designed to enhance positive teacher-student interactions by focusing on teacher behavior through coaching and professional development.
D'Anna Hasik

Araba Amissah
Araba is a second-year Counseling psychology doctoral student. Her research explores mental health outcomes among children and the influence of school-based interventions on youth’s positive social-emotional development and reduction in internalizing behaviors.

Shannon Locke
Shannon is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the Special Education – Autism program. Her research focuses on the sense of belonging and inclusive practices for individuals with ASD through all life transitions and reducing autism-specific stigma among autistic and nonautistic peers.

Austin Jackson

Tiffany Crawford
Tiffany is a fourth-year doctoral candidate studying Special Education - Behavior Disorders. Her research interests center around supporting Black special education students with challenging behavior.

Madison Imler
Madison is a third-year Special Education - Behavior Disorders doctoral student. Her research interests center around school-based behavioral interventions.

Soeun Hong
Soeun is a second-year Counseling Psychology doctoral student. Her research interests surround school culture and climate, particularly how they relate to student mental health and their sense of belonging. She also focuses on understanding the cultural and emotional processes within dyadic interactions.

Sophie Froese
Sophie is a first-year master's student in the Counseling Psychology program. Her research interests include secondary prevention for at-risk youth, particularly among underrepresented groups such as the LGBTQIA+ community and individuals with disabilities. She is also interested in interventions and counseling for individuals struggling with substance use disorders.
Austin is a first-year Special Education doctoral student with a focus on behavioral disorders in school-aged children with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). His research focuses on the implementation science of evidence-based practices (EBPs) and intervention packages that lead students with disabilities, particularly those with EBD, toward positive post-secondary outcomes. He is particularly interested in how socioeconomic factors influence student behavior and the importance of culturally responsive teaching.
Undergraduate Research Assistants

Maddie Walker
Maddie is a student teacher and senior majoring in Elementary Education. Her interests are in reducing bullying in school-aged youth through the use of intervention and professional development among teachers.

Clara Demaray
Sydney Zoeller

Eva Boone
Eva is a Junior majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences. Her research interest include online friendships and teacher professional development.
Sydney is a Sophomore majoring in Elementary Education. She is interested in bully prevention strategies, behavior of children, professional development, and peer interaction research opportunities.
Clara is a Junior Psychology major. She is interested in how bullying affects mental health and how we can raise awareness about it. She is also interested in bully prevention and supporting those affected by it.

Lauryn Mason
Lauren is a junior majoring in Elementary Education. Her research interests are professional development and student support.

Holly Savoye
Holly is a Junior studying Elementary Education with minors in English and Creative Writing. She is interested in research about social-emotional learning and the development and validity of online friendships.
Heather Smith
Heather Smith is a Project Coordinator in the College of Education and Human Development, overseeing grants in the Special Education Department. Her work revolves around the research and implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in academic and social, emotional, behavior (SEB) areas. Prior to her current role at MU, Heather was an elementary classroom teacher, instructional coach, teacher mentor and adjunct professor. She brings the lens of a practitioner to her work in research with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. As a three-time alumni of the University of Missouri, Heather holds degrees in Elementary Education, a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction and a Specialist in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. She is proud to be involved in work that supports schools and profoundly impacts the lives of children.
Student Advisees: Master’s
Taylor Webb (M.Ed.)
Christopher Eakle (M.Ed.)
Joanna Holzman (M.Ed.)
Lauren (Olivia) Shafer (M.Ed.)
Katherine Graves (M.Ed.)
Student Advisees: Doctorate
* represents co-advisee
Erica Mason* (Ph.D.)
Nikita McCree (Ph.D.)
Katherine Graves (Ph.D.)
Lindsey Mirielli (Ph.D.)
Tracey Milarsky (Ph.D.)
Cannon Ousley (Ph.D.)
John Augustine* (Ph.D.)
JingTong Ong* (Ph.D.)
Charissa Richards* (Ph.D.)
Andre Arboine (Ph.D.)
Undergraduate Honor Student Mentees
Rachel Helmcamp (BS.Ed)
Ashley Rodriguez (BS.Ed)
Paige McCane (BS.Ed)
Riley Wartick (BS.Ed)
Lindsey Mirielli (BS.Ed)
Lindsay Beachner (BS.Ed)
Jennifer Buehler (BS.Ed)
Mikaela Henke (BS.Ed)
Kirsten Zemke (BS.Ed)
Natalie Stanton (BS.Ed)
Anne Rusthoven (BS.Ed)
Cailin Collins (BS.Ed)
Annie Garcia (BS.Ed)
Rebekah Hurley (BS.Ed)
Catelyn Williams (BS.Ed)
Claire Griese (BS.Ed)
Daniela Hoyos (BS.Ed)
Janae Walsh (BS.Ed)
Adrienne Skelton (BS.Ed)
Shannon Spratt (BS.Ed)
Elena Berstein (BS.Ed)
Colleen Clancy (BS.Ed)
Kalie Crawford (BS.Ed)
Ann Jurgensmeyer (BS.Ed)
Grace Kempen (BS.Ed)
Nicolette Bowman (BS.Ed)
Jillian Marino (BS.Ed)
Jessica Cowley (BS.Ed)
Brayden Langendoerfer (BS.Ed)
Gracelyn Velasquez (BS.Ed)
Katie Espinosa (BS.Ed)
Aimee Weber (BS.Ed)
Madison Hayes (BS.Ed)
Hannah Sanders (BS.Ed)